Ghost Development Update (July 2022)

5 min readJul 22, 2022

For Q2 we kept the same momentum as the previous quarter. Development has been non-stop and researching has lead to some great discoveries for upcoming deliverables. For this update we will go through a number of different enhancements, updates, and status on current works in progress.

Automated Ghost Veteran Rewards (AGVR)

There was a lot of research required surrounding cold staking addresses and the use of change addresses when staking. Specifically, if a user stakes their coins via a pool, then the address changes by default of the protocol. This would prove a challenge when it comes to checking if an address is eligible given the covenants that are currently in place. To negate this barrier, a ColdRewardTracker has been implemented in AGVR in the event an address changes upon cold staking.

Piggybacking off of the above, functional tests were included when there is a reward output and use of multiple address to solidify into one. This check validates the change address is the same upon the reward output. Upon further research, in the event of a chain re-org, there’s an implementation to validate the state and prevent a loss of tracked addresses in “queue.”




Ghost is a Decentralized Proof-of-Stake Privacy Coin engineered to make you nothing but a “ghost” while transacting online.